This page is under construction and the links currently lead nowhere, but I’m working on it! And in the meantime, here is just a little bit about the farms. - Sarah
Where The wool Comes From
I buy fleece directly from small family run farms in Maine.
Straw’s Farm Island sheep
Straw’s Farm, Newcastle, Maine
In addition to his mainland heard of dairy cows, Lee Straw manages a mixed flock of sheep on a Penobscot Bay island. The flock has existed on the island in some form or other for over two hundred years so the bloodlines are a bit muddled, but lately Lee has been sending out North Country Cheviot rams
Buckwheat Blossom Farm
Buckwheat BLossom Farm, Wiscasset, Maine
A small, biodynamic, horse-powered farm run by Jeff and Amy Burchstead. They have been slowly turning parts of their forested land into rich pasture with the help of their mixed flock of mainly Coopworth sheep.
Two Sisters Farm
Two Sisters Farm, Warren,Maine
A family run farm in Midcoast Maine, Wilhelmina Ulbrich raises a mixed flock of Scottish Blackface, North Country Cheviot, and Bluefaced Leicester on sustainably managed pasture.
Shepherds Craft Farm
Shepherds Craft Farm, Whitefield, Maine
Laurel Banks shepherds her flock of mostly Gotland sheep using the principles of restoration agriculture, creating healthy pasture, healthy sheep, and luminous fleece.