Our internet has been so bad of late that for the last two weeks we have been given free shipboard internet (which, when we've had it, has been faster than our normal expensive internet - which is weird). I'm worried that this may be coming to an end, so I'm posting as many photos as I can before we return to slow, bad, expensive, internet.
This Wednesday we made our weekly stop at my favorite botanical garden. I was caught up on sleep and the morning was quiet so I put on my favorite blue dress, grabbed my camera and a mug of iced coffee, and spent the morning in a world of green.
This Venezuelan Rose is actually the height of an apple tree. The flower is the size of a hat. I would actually like to wear this flower as a hat. I shall have to learn to make hats.
A decorative pineapple. I never realized that the body of the pineapple had blossoms, though in retrospect it makes sense.
True to the name, there were orchids. I love how alien this one looks.
And I love this very frilly frill. Before this garden I was never all that fond of orchids, but seeing them in their native setting has won me over.
And there were mushrooms!
I love this texture.
And also slime molds (or maybe sill mushrooms?). This is one of the many little bamboo bridges that dot the garden.
And butterflies
And several wild toucans. I sat on a conveniently placed bench and watched this one for a while. There are usually scarlet macaws around the place as well, though there were apparently elsewhere that morning.
And then (far too soon) it was time to head back to the boat and to start my workday.